Thursday, September 14, 2006


Kidnapping me to go out for lunch ....that's what my friend Deb wanted to do today! How fun that she has now moved back to Michigan from Kansas, and we can get together once in awhile for lunch. We went to a great buffet (all you can eat!) at McGuires, and ate royally. I was stuffed!!!! We just sat and talked, and talked (we couldn't move after eating so much anyway!) and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and watching the golf course out of the window by our table. Deb also gave me an adorable crystal baby buggy as a " grandma-to-be" gift. It's on our buffet in the dining room, and our new grandson's picture will be right next to it when he finally makes his appearance next week!
Thanks for kidnapping me for lunch, Deb. It's just what I needed today!


Deb said...

Kidnapping for hire! :-)

Just what the doctor ordered! That cake I had was to die for.

You are more than welcome Grandma-To-Be. Will be waiting anixously for that phone call.

Ben and Rebekah said...

How fun! That gift is beautiful and so thoughtful!