Saturday, February 03, 2007


The friendly bear!
Anyone for a taste of Mountain Lion???
We had a great group of men...there were around 220 there!

Here are some of the animals that our men got on hunting trips! Glad we didn't have eat this meat!
This was the "welcoming committtee"!!!!


Deb said...

What a fun time for the men. Sure is a lot different than our Ladies Dinner in December. :-)

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

What an amazing turnout!!! I don't know if I could have eaten the meat...but it looks like the decorations set the mood pretty nicely!

Glad to hear it was a huge success...even with the bad weather...

danlanning said...

looks like it was a great time...those men catch a little of everything...

danlanning said...

looks like it was a great time...those men catch a little of everything...