Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Good Morning!

"This is the day the LORD hath made....rejoice and be glad in it!" What a beautiful verse to wake up to each matter how we feel, what the weather is like, or what we have on the "to do" list for the day, we CAN REJOICE and be glad - because His mercies fail not, they are new every morning...GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS!

This morning, I was typing out the prayer list for our Wednesday night prayer meeting, and seeing all the names on the sick list, or those in the nursing home, I was reminded again that I need to thank the Lord for the wonderful health and strength I have been given, and rejoice that I am able to "get up" and "get going" another day! Yes, this is the day the Lord has made...let's rejoice and be glad in it!

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