Friday, May 02, 2008

Something OLD, something NEW, something PAINTED, something BLUE

Our OLD Church Van....

Something OLD, something New.....
Yes, we have a new Rollins Church Van! It's not brand new, but new to fact, it just arrived today! What a blessing this new van will be as we use it often!

something PAINTED, something BLUE..... Anna Gooden is painting a mural on our Puggle's Room for our 2 year olds. She is so gifted, and the kid will just love this when they come in Sunday morning! Did you know that a Puggle is a common term for a baby platypus? That's what Anna is painting!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Now that's a van! What a blessing indeed. PTL! Very nice!

Anna is definitely gifted! How cute!