Wednesday, May 23, 2007

NIght of my favorite places to visit in Taiwan

A look down the street at night market.....
What fun it was to walk around with the other thousands of people
Some of the shops - all the merchandise is so crowded and packed in these tiny little stores

There are tons of eating places in every corner of night market...some foods you just aren't sure what it is in the pot! Taiwan is a city of food - everywhere you go is a market, restaurant or vendor selling food!


Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

ooh....i can't wait to visit the night looks so fun!!! great pix.

i also love all of the pix of you guys too...fantastic!

Deb said...

Loved hearing about your trip yesterday! And that Micah...what a cutie.

Thaks for the water, too. Ha-Ha!