Friday, April 27, 2007

Bird Hunting.....

I was home alone on Thursday night as Bob was over at the church counseling a couple that will be married in June. It was a great night to get some clenaing done, and I had just gone to the basement to get something, and the phone rang. I answered the phone down there, and while I was talking, I heard a loud "rustling" noise! It was making me nervous, as it sounded like an animal was down there with me! All of a sudden, a HUGE BLACK BIRD flew right over my head and to one of the basement windows. I told the lady on the phone that I had to get to another phone - I dashed upstairs, closed off both basement doors, and finished the conversation. About an hour later, Bob came home, and we called one of our men from church, Jody, to help us catch the bird. Well, ......we COULDN"T FIND THE BIRD! They looked all over, but either the bird was hiding, or he somehow got out. We were sure praying it was the latter! We kept the basement doors closed all night, and Bob and Jody were going to check it out in the morning.

This morning, as I was doing things around the house, I heard something "hit" the basement door which was closed! Bob and Jody went "bird hunting"....and sure enough, a huge black bird was down there and flying around the basement. Jody had a big fishing net, so he finally cornered it, got it, and took it outside, where the bird promptly flew away! Praise the Lord the bird is out of our basement, and hopefully, won't remember how he got in!

I love to watch the birds in the sky, but I DO NOT like them in my house!!!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Have you ever ate crow?

What a great story!!