Monday, October 01, 2007

Mike Huckabee for President in 2008???

Rebekah and Brock went to see Mike Huckabee during his campaign in South Carolina. Rebekah made this shirt for Brock to wear.
Mike Huckabee's testimony is wonderful, and his stand on issues are Bible-based. Check him out when you can.
This is picture was taken, and put on his web site!

This is what it said on the site:
Our Sentiments Exactly!September 25th, 2007
The shirt reads ” Good Luckabee Mr. Huckabee”.
Could not have said it better ourselves, glad we had the “Duck” there to capture this on film for us. Thanks!
Posted in
Team Huckabee

1 comment:

Deb said...

Who knows...our future President...referring to Brock!