Monday, April 14, 2008

A wonderful Baptismal Service

Paul Gadzinski
Debbie Gadzinski

Alex Giftos

Carrie Giftos

Tony Giftos

Anna Giftos

Christopher Stanley

Anna Stanley

Theresa Stanley

These were the 9 that were baptized Sunday night. What a beautiful service we had. We sang their favorite hymn, and had a great time of fellowship following. Several relatives and friends came to encourge them as they were baptized. The Giftos family is a new family that has been coming, and the Stanley family is also coming regularly. Paul and Debbie were saved through the witness of Ron and Ella Cochrane about 1 1/2 years ago, and are an active part of our church. We praise the Lord for these that have followed the Lord in Believer's Baptism.


Deb said...

What a great blog! It sure brings back some great memories of when Ken & I were baptized. It gives a person such a warm feeling to witness these special moments. Thanks for sharing!

It's good to be back and see what has been going on behind the pews.

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