Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Papa and Nanny visiting Ben, Rebekah, Brock and Evie in Alpena

Ben and Rebekah received word that Ben's grandmother was getting worse from her cancer, and she wanted to see all her grandchildren before she went to heaven. So Ben, Rebekah, Brock and Evie made a 16 hour non-stop trip to Alpena. We were able to make a trip to Alpena to see them for a few hours this afternoon. What a joy for this Papa and Nanny to see our grandbabies!



Rodrigo Andolfato said...

Very beautiful baby!!! Congratulations!!!

Deb said...

I should have known there would have been pixs on your blog. Ha-Ha! Silly me for asking when I emailed.

Evie has really changed. I definitely see Rebekah in her but actually she reminded me of Daniel???

So happy for you that you got to see them.