Friday, September 08, 2006

Back to School.......

"My doggy ate my homework
He chewed it up," I said.
But when I offered my excuse
My teacher shook her head!

"He scrambled up my science notes
with eggs and bacon strips,
Along with sauteed spelling words
And baked potato chips.

"He then took my arithmetic
And had it gently fried.
He broiled both my book reports
With pickles on the side!"

My teacher frowned, but then I said,
As quickly as I could...
"He covered it with ketchup
And he said it tasted good."

"A talking dog who likes to cook?"
My teacher had a fit.
She sent me to the office
And that is where I sit.

I guess I made a big mistake
In telling her all that -
'Cause I don't even have a dog,
It was eaten by my CAT!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Boy, I hate to see the size of that cat. MEow!