Sunday, June 17, 2007


Happy Father's Day to the wonderful father of my 4 children, my husband, best friend and lover! How I thank the Lord for 30 years of being "one" in heart, soul and spirit. God truly did answer the desires of my heart, when he gave me Robert Brown Lanning.
In our first year of marriage, our Rachel was fatherhood started quickly! And then one right after the other came along...Elizabeth, Rebekah and Daniel!
When I think of you as a father, FAITHFULNESS comes to mind. You have been faithful to our marriage vows, faithful in training up our children EVERY DAY in the way of the Lord and faithful in your own walk with the Lord. You were faithful in helping (hour after hour) our kids with their homework, music, attending ALL of the sports functions (except when an emergency came up at church), and anything else they were in at school and church. Faithful in preaching God's Word every Sunday and Wednesday night at church. Faithful in ministering to those in need - what an example of "selflessness" time and time again we saw. Faithful in showing and loving each one of us in a special way, and being so generous with your time and finances (even when there were things you would have rather done, or gotten, you gave of yourself to us).
Thank you for being such a wonderful father to Rachel, Elizabeth, Rebekah and Daniel. I know it's because of your example, that all of our children have married such wonderful helpmates...and for that I am sooooo thankful!
Happy Father's Day to you! I love you with all of my heart!


danlanning said...

well said.

Rachel said...

Amen and amen!!! :)

Deb said...

I'm back...and playing catch-up with the blogs. What great pics of Brock. I just love that smile!

What a beautiful & thoughful message to your hubby. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY Bob! How blessed we are with his friendship & yours, too.

And what a beautiful tribute to your earthly Father. I miss my Dad, too.

Can't wait to see you Tuesday and celebrate another year with you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend!!! Love YOU Bunches!