Monday, July 09, 2007

Cherry Festival.....and Traverse Bay

We enjoyed an hour walking around the Cherry Festival on beautiful Traverse Bay this afternoon. It was partly sunny, and just perfect temperature. Coming to the festival was always such fun when our kids were growing are some pictures of the afternoon.

Yea, for the free samples of my favorite Jelly Belly's!

Fun with the Traverse City Fire Department

We enjoyed all those YUMMY samples of cherry jelly, candy, dried cherries......

Food Court

We took a walk around the Marina and saw these HUGE boats!

Beautiful Traverse Bay


Rachel said...

great pictures, mom!
Oh, how I wish I could be in T.C. for the Cherry Festival!!!!!!!!

Deb said...

By the pictures, it looks like you had a great time. Tell Bob to keep his day job as I'm not sure if the fireman's hat looked good on him or not. :-)

Hey, when did you get your crocs?