Friday, August 18, 2006

Buckley Steam Show

What a night we had! We finally attended the Buckley Steam Show that we have heard so much about for the last 22 years. When we arrived, we saw acres and acres of tents, campers and trailers with several thousand people staying there for the long weekend (thursday-Sunday) while they attend the Buckley Steam Show. We arrived just in time to see the "Westbrook group" singing at one of the pavilions. Then we walked all over the flee market - there were over 500 exhibitors. We couldn't see it all - but in the hour and a half we walked around, we saw enough! There were tractors, and every type of farm equipment there - you could get rides on combines, tractors, and wagons. There were horse-pulling contests, lumber sawing contests, and just about anything and everything going on!
People come from all over the country to attend this annual event. It was great to see - but I'm glad we aren't spending the night there! :)

1 comment:

Deb said...

You mean that wasn't your tent in that one pic? See, I told ya...once is enough! Ha-Ha!