Thursday, October 12, 2006

SNOW ???????????

When you live in Michigan, the saying is, "If you blink your eyes, the weather will change!"
Well, our weather has certainly changed this month of October. October 2nd we were helping Daniel side his house, and the afternoon was sunny and near 80 degrees! Today, October 12th, we have snow falling, and about 1" already on the ground, and COLD temperatures - 28 degrees! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! Hopefully, this is just a "quickie" and we'll get back to our fall weather soon! Want to come and help make a snowman?????

1 comment:

Deb said...

Isn't it disgusting! You got the hot chocolate ready?

"OoooooH...the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful..."