Wednesday, July 12, 2006

BBQ Ribs and Corn on the Cob....m-m-m-m!

Last night we had our monthly cookout with our small group. There are 15 of us that meet together once a month in the summer for a cookout, and every Tuesday evening during the rest of the year for our small group Bible Study. This month we went to Don and Brenda Wilson's home. What a great time we had! The food was sooooooooo good!
We feasted on BBQ ribs on the grill, corn on the cob, twice baked potatoes, potato salad, coleslaw, tossed salad, snicker salad, strawberry salad, and great desserts - eclairs and my rich and gooey chocolate/caramel/pecan pie. We watch a video on "Walk where Jesus walked" - giving us shortened tour of the Holy Land. By the end of the night, our small group decided to look into going on a Holy Land trip - possibly in 2008. They would like Bob to be the leader as he has already been there - wouldn't that be great? Guess we'll have to start saving our pennies now! :)

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