Sunday, July 09, 2006

Drive-In Church Starts Tonight :)

Blue skies, white clouds and warm temps all make for a gorgeous night for our first Drive-In Church service tonight. By 5:30pm, cars will start coming to our beautiful ballfield in the back of our church, and line up in 4 rows around a grandstand. Some of our church families will stay in their cars, others will sit on chairs, some on blankets...and others on top of their cars! During the month of July, we have a different musical group come and put on an out-door concert each Sunday night. People come from the beach, their homes, and others just driving by slow down or drive in - but what a fun evening it is! Instead of clapping with our appreciation after each number, horns toot, or lights flash on the cars! Our love offerning for the groups that come are taken by our ushers going "car to car" with ice cream buckets! Our church family looks forward to these great concert nights in the summer - come join us sometime to experience it for yourself!

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